A. Organisation and Management

An organisation’s structure is a means to help management achieve its objectives. Since our objectives are derived from the organisation’s overall strategy, it is only logical that strategy and structure should be clearly linked. Our organisation’s long-term aim is to achieve a leading position in Middle East, Near-Asia, North-Africa, and East-Europe entertainment markets. Therefore, our organisation needs a structure that is flexible. Collaboration (both vertical and horizontal), adaptable duties, few rules, information communication, decentralised decision authority, flatter structure.

Our organisational structure consists of functional units each of which is responsible for different operational and managerial duties. These functional units are responsible to general management for their activities., but have adequate independence to manage their own functional issues. The structure consists of four main hierarchical levels, which is almost flat.

Moreover, there are certain key points which should be possessed by the organisation. These can be listed as:

· Mangers should have a good understanding of Turkey’s characteristics and entertainment business.


· Human must be the primary concern of management and therefore employee satisfaction is of utmost importance.


· People who are capable of conducting international business should be employed.

B. Organisational Design

As mentioned in the previous section, our organisation has a functional structure in which similar and related occupational specialties are grouped together. The strength of the functional structure lies in the advantages that accrue from work specialisation. Putting like specialties together results in economies of scale, minimises duplication of personnel and equipment, and makes employees comfortable and satisfied, because it gives them the opportunity to “talk the same language” as their peers.

As seen in Organizational Chart, the organisational structure consists of four levels. At the very top, the general management supervises and administrates the strategic level operations and coordinate and synchronise the functional units. There are seven main functional departments each of which is responsible for a diverse area of the business. These units are:

· Logistics

· Financial Planning

· Marketing&Public Relations

· Operations&Maintenance

· Human Resources

· Purchasing

· Animal Resources

· General Planning


Logistics Department is responsible for supplying and storing the required essential materials and equipment for the basic needs of the personnel and animals both at the headquarters and during tournees.

Financial Planning & Accounting Department is responsible for promoting the company and keeping the customer in touch with our business. Carrying out market surveys to determine the optimal tournee routing and pricing policy. The main responsibility of this department is to keep the sales over a level and continuously improve it.

Operations & Maintenance Department is the key department that ensures the smooth going of operations and secures the assets of the company. The most important division of this department is the “Engineering & Technical Support” unit, since all the installation and design of special equipment activities require high-level of technical support. Moreover, the other divisions of this department are Infrastructure, Transportation, Security and Cleaning.

Human Resources Department is mainly concerned with getting, training, motivating and keeping competent employees. Especially, training and health services are key divisions in the operation of our circus.


Purchasing Department is responsible for getting in contact with the suppliers and assure the on-time delivery of required supplies by Logistics department. Especially, during tournees in foreign countries, the purchasing department contacts the foreign suppliers for the requirements, realise the shipments and resolves any conflicting situations with legal structure of the countries.


Animal Resources Department is responsible for the training, health and care of animals. Also, the requirements of animals are determined and transmitted to the purchasing department.


General Planning Department: The activities of this department include defining goals, establishing strategy and developing plans to coordinate activities. especially, planning of shows and tournees, preparation of circus installation programs and general planning of operations is the main responsibilities of this department.


Overhead costs are the fixed costs that are incurred because of the existence of the organisation.

Overhead costs are mainly classified as:

· Rental Costs: The land rental costs during tournees, leasing costs of equipment and rental costs of other real estate.

· Maintenance & Cleaning Costs: The costs of general maintenance activities and cleaning costs of equipment, land area, animal cages, animals, etc.

· Costs of Basic Needs of Personnel & Animals: Accommodation, training, and food costs.

· Costs of Utilities: Electricity, water, gas, heating

· Administrative Cost: Cost of management personnel, and other utilities (Internet, fax, copying, etc.)

· Insurance: Fire or liability on property, worker compensation, animal & human health insurance.

· Depreciation: Amortisation of capital assets - mainly the equipment and animals.